Tag: Jawaharlal Nehru
Atma-nirbharta, the Local way
There is an alternate voice in this country, and in other parts of the world, which questions the assumptions and systems of modern globalised society. This voice has been speaking for a long time in favour of the local and of strengthening the local community.
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adilabad Ancient Indian Construction Technology Ancient Indian Sciences ashram Bharathiya Shilpa bharatiya bharatiya arthvyavastha Bharatiya Shastra bharatiyata bharatiya vyavastha civilisation Dharampal guruji indian civilisation jeevika ashram Kala kala ashram modern development modernity ravindra sharma आदिलाबाद आधुनिकता कला आश्रम गुरुजी गुरुजी रविन्द्र शर्मा धर्मपाल भारतीय जीवनशैली भारतीयता रविंद्र शर्मा रवीन्द्र शर्मा जी