Tag: indian philosophy
भिक्षावृत्ति के पुनर्जागरण को लेकर एक संन्निष्ठ प्रयास
कहा जाता है, कि भारत में गुरुकुलों में fees नहीं हुआ करती थी और दुनिया भर के विद्यार्थी अध्ययन हेतु भारत में आते थे, तो गुरुकुलों का निर्वाह कैसे होता होगा??? इसी विषय पर अहमदाबाद स्थित *पुनरुत्थान विद्यापीठ* के द्वारा पुनर्जीवित की गई *भिक्षा परंपरा* का वर्णन यहाँ *आशुतोष जानी* की कलम से प्रस्तुत किया…
“Sahajta: The Fish and the Gem”
Accepting the reality as it is and not being fussy about it or crib about it is a quality rare to be found among people these days. Guruji Ravindra Sharma ji was once invited to an award ceremony and along with him were many other awardees, who were Ashtavadhanis and Shatavadhanis (please google the meanings…
“A Lost Screw, A Found Solution”
Read this first anecdote penned down by Apurv Sharma in the series Memoirs of Guruji Ravindra Sharma ji, that Guruji would hilariously narrate and contemplate whether we have progressed or regressed in terms of human capabilities of widespread expanse of the abilities of craftsmanship, precision and readiness to customize for one and all.
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adilabad Ancient Indian Construction Technology Ancient Indian Sciences ashram Bharathiya Shilpa bharatiya bharatiya arthvyavastha Bharatiya Shastra bharatiyata bharatiya vyavastha civilisation Dharampal guruji indian civilisation Kala kala ashram modern development modernity ravindra sharma आदिलाबाद आधुनिकता कला आश्रम गुरुजी गुरुजी रविन्द्र शर्मा धर्मपाल भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था भारतीय जीवनशैली भारतीयता रविंद्र शर्मा रवीन्द्र शर्मा जी