Ganesh Chaturthi at Kala Ashram, Adilabad

Ganesh Chaturthi at Kala Ashram, Adilabad

In the heart of Adilabad, for over four decades, the sacred tradition of crafting and sharing Clay Ganapatis has flourished at Kala Ashram. Initiated by Shri. Ravindra Sharma, this humble practice is a celebration of the deep-rooted joy found in creation and the gentle art of letting go. Each year, only 40 Ganesh Murthis are lovingly made, embodying the simplicity and purity of the earth from which they are formed, and to which they return.

सप्रेम निमंत्रण

गणेश चतुर्थी के इस अवसर पर, हम आपको 07 सितंबर 2024 को फिर से इस सुंदर परंपरा में शामिल होने के लिए आमंत्रित करते हैं। आइए, जीवन के इस शाश्वत चक्र और साझा परंपराओं की स्थायी खुशी का सम्मान करें।

As Ganesh Chaturthi approaches, we extend our warm invitation to join us once again in this beautiful ritual on 07 September 2024. Let us come together to honor the timeless cycle of life and the enduring joy of shared traditions.

Date: 1st September, 2024

Venue: Kala Ashram, Adilabad

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