Tag: Bharatiya Shastra
Bharathiya Shilpa Vyavastha (Part 11: Forts)
There are thousands of forts and fortresses across Bharat, some of them built thousands of years ago and some of them built just a few hundred years ago. Acharya Vishnugupt Chanakya describes in his exemplary work Arthashastra that forts can be made of multiple types and also elaborates on ways to build them, their strengths,…
भिक्षावृत्ति के पुनर्जागरण को लेकर एक संन्निष्ठ प्रयास
कहा जाता है, कि भारत में गुरुकुलों में fees नहीं हुआ करती थी और दुनिया भर के विद्यार्थी अध्ययन हेतु भारत में आते थे, तो गुरुकुलों का निर्वाह कैसे होता होगा??? इसी विषय पर अहमदाबाद स्थित *पुनरुत्थान विद्यापीठ* के द्वारा पुनर्जीवित की गई *भिक्षा परंपरा* का वर्णन यहाँ *आशुतोष जानी* की कलम से प्रस्तुत किया…
Modernity through Indian eyes
– Part (2/2)We are living through the times of fast changes. In such transient times, it is really difficult to hold onto anything dearly, but should there be any yardstick of what to accept and what not? The yardstick can truly be the essence on which Bharatiyata stands. The present article is an English translation by *Shri…
Bharathiya Shilpa Vyavastha (Part 8)
Hence a Devalaya (Temple) was planned with so many considerations and not just as a Prayer Hall or just a Religious Place. Devalayas were places beyond just the site plan and the site plan was made to suit these uses, yet most of the Devalayas had a mysterious element associated with them too, like in…
Bharathiya Shilpa Vyavastha : Part 5
Vaastu for living This is an introduction to Vaastu as it was applied for residential places. It is an insight into what was the original science behind Vaastu, which is very different from the “Directional Vaastu” as is practised currently. “Vaastu Consultants” in the present-day, stick to only the directional principles of Vaastu forgetting almost…
Bharathiya Shilpa Vyavastha : Part 4
General Introduction to Shilpa Vyavastha 36. Ratna Pareeksha: Ratna Parreksha describes how to identify the nine gems and make jewellery. 37. Ratna Sangraha: This scripture contains chapters on gemmology and Jewellery making. 38. Laghu Ratna Pareeksha: Laghu Ratna Pareeksha contains the details about jewellery making and lapidary (Cutting and Polishing of gems). This treatise is…
Bharathiya Shilpa Vyavastha : Part 3
General Introduction to Shilpa Vyavastha 6. Agni Purana covers Murthy Vidhya (iconography). Like the encyclopaedic nature of any Purana, the Agni Purana too contains many topics apart from the main storyline which have been documented. 7. Brahmanda Purana covers mostly architecture, some sections on arts and certain crafts too. Like the encyclopaedic nature of any Purana…
Bharathiya Shilpa Vyavastha : Part 2
General Introduction to Shilpa Vyavastha It was the year 1982, that we were visiting Belur and Halebidu – the ancient temple sites of Belur Chennakeshava a Vaishnavaite temple and Halebidu Hoysaleshwara a Shaivite temple. I was marvelling at the architecture and the carvings. We didn’t have ‘Smartphones’ in those days and a camera was a…
Bharathiya Shilpa Vyavastha : Part 1
Aesthetic architecture, Simple Civil Engineering, Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Construction An Introduction to the Shilpa Vyavastha of Bharata Before commencing this blog, I would like to express my sincere gratitude, Sashtaanga Namaskarams and Pranamas at the lotus feet of my dearest Late Shri Ravindra Sharmaji(Guruji) of Kala Ashram, Adilabad, Telengana, Bharata for inspiring my quest for…
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adilabad Ancient Indian Construction Technology Ancient Indian Sciences ashram Bharathiya Shilpa bharatiya bharatiya arthvyavastha Bharatiya Shastra bharatiyata bharatiya vyavastha civilisation Dharampal guruji indian civilisation Kala kala ashram modern development modernity ravindra sharma आदिलाबाद आधुनिकता कला आश्रम गुरुजी गुरुजी रविन्द्र शर्मा धर्मपाल भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था भारतीय जीवनशैली भारतीयता रविंद्र शर्मा रवीन्द्र शर्मा जी