Tag: कला आश्रम
Dhol – Kinnera and Breakdance!
Kala Ashram has had the privilege of hosting two Krishnas, each appearing in distinct forms and separated by a few years. Dive into this beautiful narration by Apurv Sharma and witness the magic of these two Krishnas.
Rituals of the Kiln
After Ganesh Chaturthi, he would withdraw into a quiet corner, where, with a gentle and practiced hand, he would begin crafting a small mitti ka diya, signaling the official start of his preparations for the Deepavali exhibition.
Tiriginollu – Wanderers
What could be the objective of doing any work? Well, now it seems that the object is merely to fulfill the needs (and the wants) of the self or at best the family. The yardstick of excellence is also fast becoming feeble, but when we look back, there was much more to doing work than…
Modernity through Indian Eyes – Part I
We are living through the times of fast changes. In such transient times, it is really difficult to hold onto anything dearly, but should there be any yardstick of what to accept and what not? The yardstick can truly be the essence on which Bharatiyata stands. The present article is an English translation by *Shri…
भारत और भारतीयता के व्याख्याता
बुद्ध पूर्णिमा मेरे लिए मिश्र स्मृतियाँ लेकर आती हैं, गौतम बुद्ध के उदय को सूचित करती है, और साथ ही एक और विभूति के विलय को भी। वह विभूति थे श्री रवीन्द्र शर्मा जी, जिन्हें प्यार से लोग गुरुजी कहकर पुकारते थे। आज गुरुजी की द्वितीय पुण्यतिथि के अवसर पर उनकी बातों को, कथाओं को,…
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