Tag: adilabad

  • Tiriginollu – Wanderers

    Tiriginollu – Wanderers

    What could be the objective of doing any work? Well, now it seems that the object is merely to fulfill the needs (and the wants) of the self or at best the family. The yardstick of excellence is also fast becoming feeble, but when we look back, there was much more to doing work than…

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  • “A Lost Screw, A Found Solution”

    “A Lost Screw, A Found Solution”

    Read this first anecdote penned down by Apurv Sharma in the series Memoirs of Guruji Ravindra Sharma ji, that Guruji would hilariously narrate and contemplate whether we have progressed or regressed in terms of human capabilities of widespread expanse of the abilities of craftsmanship, precision and readiness to customize for one and all.

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  • भारत और भारतीयता के व्याख्याता

    बुद्ध पूर्णिमा मेरे लिए मिश्र स्मृतियाँ लेकर आती हैं, गौतम बुद्ध के उदय को सूचित करती है, और साथ ही एक और विभूति के विलय को भी। वह विभूति थे श्री रवीन्द्र शर्मा जी, जिन्हें प्यार से लोग गुरुजी कहकर पुकारते थे। आज गुरुजी की द्वितीय पुण्यतिथि के अवसर पर उनकी बातों को, कथाओं को,…

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