Tag: bharatiyata
Samruddhi wale Aam!
“Aisa nahin hota hai Raja” (“Such things don’t transpire, Raja,”) -Sipping his tea he would tell this line to the ones with whom he has a perfectly synchronized rapport. “Aisa hoga to kaise chalega” – Yeh to lamba chalne wali cheez nahin hai (“If it were to unfold in such a manner, how could it…
Dhol – Kinnera and Breakdance!
Kala Ashram has had the privilege of hosting two Krishnas, each appearing in distinct forms and separated by a few years. Dive into this beautiful narration by Apurv Sharma and witness the magic of these two Krishnas.
भिक्षावृत्ति के पुनर्जागरण को लेकर एक संन्निष्ठ प्रयास
कहा जाता है, कि भारत में गुरुकुलों में fees नहीं हुआ करती थी और दुनिया भर के विद्यार्थी अध्ययन हेतु भारत में आते थे, तो गुरुकुलों का निर्वाह कैसे होता होगा??? इसी विषय पर अहमदाबाद स्थित *पुनरुत्थान विद्यापीठ* के द्वारा पुनर्जीवित की गई *भिक्षा परंपरा* का वर्णन यहाँ *आशुतोष जानी* की कलम से प्रस्तुत किया…
Rituals of the Kiln
After Ganesh Chaturthi, he would withdraw into a quiet corner, where, with a gentle and practiced hand, he would begin crafting a small mitti ka diya, signaling the official start of his preparations for the Deepavali exhibition.
Modernity through Indian Eyes – Part I
We are living through the times of fast changes. In such transient times, it is really difficult to hold onto anything dearly, but should there be any yardstick of what to accept and what not? The yardstick can truly be the essence on which Bharatiyata stands. The present article is an English translation by *Shri…
Bharathiya Panchanga
After the advent and popular acceptance of the Gregorian calendar, the use of the Bharathiya Panchanga has almost been very limited and in many cases it has been eliminated. The Panchanga has been labelled as “Hindu Calendar” or “Hindu Almanac”. These terms are wrong and they are used only for convenience of translation. It is…
Bharathiya Shilpa includes many technical aspects like Architecture, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Arts & Crafts like Blacksmithy, Goldsmithy, Metallurgy, Metal Casting, Sculpting, Carpentry, Masonry etc. 96. Shilpa: Bharathiya Shilpa Shastra is a term which is usually misunderstood as a single book or a magnum opus by a single author. Contrary to this; it consists of…
धर्मपाल साहित्य परिचय
पिछली दो ढाई शताब्दियों से भारत का साधारण मनुष्य बड़े ही असमंजस से गुजर रहा है। एक ओर उसके संस्कार व उसकी परवरिश है, जो उसे ईश्वर में, सत्य में, धर्म में आस्था रखना सिखाते हैं, काल की चक्रियता को सिखाते हैं, बुरे वक्त में एक दूसरे के काम आना सिखाते हैं, कर भला तो…
Possibilities of Discovery
It appears to me that many of today’s social issues which look unsolvable, have become so because of the political system within which we are seeking answers. Let us take together the three issues of the Jallikattu (bull taming ceremony) in Tamil Nadu, the Dahi-handi during Gokulashtami in Maharashtra, and the Kaveri river-sharing tussle between…
भारत और भारतीयता के व्याख्याता
बुद्ध पूर्णिमा मेरे लिए मिश्र स्मृतियाँ लेकर आती हैं, गौतम बुद्ध के उदय को सूचित करती है, और साथ ही एक और विभूति के विलय को भी। वह विभूति थे श्री रवीन्द्र शर्मा जी, जिन्हें प्यार से लोग गुरुजी कहकर पुकारते थे। आज गुरुजी की द्वितीय पुण्यतिथि के अवसर पर उनकी बातों को, कथाओं को,…
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adilabad Ancient Indian Construction Technology Ancient Indian Sciences ashram Bharathiya Shilpa bharatiya bharatiya arthvyavastha Bharatiya Shastra bharatiyata bharatiya vyavastha civilisation Dharampal guruji indian civilisation Kala kala ashram modern development modernity ravindra sharma आदिलाबाद आधुनिकता कला आश्रम गुरुजी गुरुजी रविन्द्र शर्मा धर्मपाल भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था भारतीय जीवनशैली भारतीयता रविंद्र शर्मा रवीन्द्र शर्मा जी