Category: All Articles
Swati Jala 2024 (ENG)
Today, it is essential to convey important information to you through meaningful communication. Therefore, a brief article written by Ayurvedic doctor Dr. Chandrakant Desai from Yadgud village, North Karnataka, regarding the rainwater of the Swati Nakshatra is being presented. Dr. Chandrakant Desai has been experimenting with Swati water using various methods for years. For more…
स्वाति जल २०२४
आज एक महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना सार्थक संवाद के माध्यम से आप तक प्रेषित करना आवश्यक है, अत: उत्तर कर्नाटक स्थित यादगुड़ गांव के आयुर्वेदाचार्य डॉ चंद्रकांत देसाई जी द्वारा लिखित स्वाति नक्षत्र के वर्षा जल से संबंधित एक संक्षिप्त लेख प्रस्तुत किया जा रहा है। डॉ चंद्रकांत देसाई वर्षों से स्वाति जल का अलग अलग विधियों…
Rituals of the Kiln
After Ganesh Chaturthi, he would withdraw into a quiet corner, where, with a gentle and practiced hand, he would begin crafting a small mitti ka diya, signaling the official start of his preparations for the Deepavali exhibition.
Introducing a must read book “White Sahibs in India”
India has suffered for a long time. First under the Islamic domination and later under the British. During the Islamic period we were terrorized. We learnt to “mind our own business” in public life. A schism developed in our world – between the public and the private life. We reduced our dharmic concerns to private…
सहज दृष्टा
जिन्हें भी हम स्वयं को समझने के लिए या संसार को समझने के लिए आदर्श मानते हैं उनमें जे. कृष्णमूर्ति, रमण महर्षि, ओशो आदि या विपश्यना, उपनिषद, वेद आदि शामिल हैं, वे सभी किसी ना किसी रूप में दृष्टा की बात ही करते हैं। जे. कृष्णमूर्ति उसे बिना अपने किसी पूर्वाग्रह के और उससे महत्त्वपूर्ण…
भारत गाथा (खण्ड २-३) प्रकाशित हुए
‘भारत गाथा’ पुस्तक शृंखला आदरणीय गुरुजी स्व. श्री रवीन्द्र शर्मा जी की बातचीत को साहित्यिक, अकादमिक, आदि हलकों तक ले जाने के उद्देश्य से किया गया एक प्रयास है। इस पुस्तक शृंखला का दूसरा खण्ड ‘प्रौद्योगिकी’ तथा तीसरा खण्ड ‘घर एवं वास्तु’ प्रकाशित हो गया है । इसके पूर्व, ‘भिक्षावृत्ति’ के रूप में पहला खण्ड…
Tiriginollu – Wanderers
What could be the objective of doing any work? Well, now it seems that the object is merely to fulfill the needs (and the wants) of the self or at best the family. The yardstick of excellence is also fast becoming feeble, but when we look back, there was much more to doing work than…
The Three Seekers of Prabhuji!
How is the price of anything ascertained? Is it ascertained based on the efforts gone into making it or is it the potential of profit or is it something else? Read this interesting anecdote from the life of Guruji Shri Ravindra Sharma ji, when he was faced by three persons offering to buy a Sculpture…
Modernity through Indian eyes
– Part (2/2)We are living through the times of fast changes. In such transient times, it is really difficult to hold onto anything dearly, but should there be any yardstick of what to accept and what not? The yardstick can truly be the essence on which Bharatiyata stands. The present article is an English translation by *Shri…
Modernity through Indian Eyes – Part I
We are living through the times of fast changes. In such transient times, it is really difficult to hold onto anything dearly, but should there be any yardstick of what to accept and what not? The yardstick can truly be the essence on which Bharatiyata stands. The present article is an English translation by *Shri…
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adilabad Ancient Indian Construction Technology Ancient Indian Sciences ashram Bharathiya Shilpa bharatiya bharatiya arthvyavastha Bharatiya Shastra bharatiyata bharatiya vyavastha civilisation Dharampal guruji indian civilisation Kala kala ashram modern development modernity ravindra sharma आदिलाबाद आधुनिकता कला आश्रम गुरुजी गुरुजी रविन्द्र शर्मा धर्मपाल भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था भारतीय जीवनशैली भारतीयता रविंद्र शर्मा रवीन्द्र शर्मा जी