The Three Seekers of Prabhuji!
How is the price of anything ascertained? Is it ascertained based on the efforts gone into making it or is it the potential of profit or is it something else? Read this interesting anecdote from the life of Guruji Shri Ravindra Sharma ji, when he was faced by three persons offering to buy a Sculpture…
“Sahajta: The Fish and the Gem”
Accepting the reality as it is and not being fussy about it or crib about it is a quality rare to be found among people these days. Guruji Ravindra Sharma ji was once invited to an award ceremony and along with him were many other awardees, who were Ashtavadhanis and Shatavadhanis (please google the meanings…
“A Lost Screw, A Found Solution”
Read this first anecdote penned down by Apurv Sharma in the series Memoirs of Guruji Ravindra Sharma ji, that Guruji would hilariously narrate and contemplate whether we have progressed or regressed in terms of human capabilities of widespread expanse of the abilities of craftsmanship, precision and readiness to customize for one and all.
A new beginning from this Guru Purnima
Namaskar Friends, we are glad to let you know that we are starting a new series of tiny beautiful stories from the life and deeds of Guruji Ravindra Sharma ji written by his son Apurv Sharma. Read this introductory article by Ashutosh Jani highlighting the role of the Guru in the Shishya’s life and a…
Modernity through Indian eyes
– Part (2/2)We are living through the times of fast changes. In such transient times, it is really difficult to hold onto anything dearly, but should there be any yardstick of what to accept and what not? The yardstick can truly be the essence on which Bharatiyata stands. The present article is an English translation by *Shri…
Modernity through Indian Eyes – Part I
We are living through the times of fast changes. In such transient times, it is really difficult to hold onto anything dearly, but should there be any yardstick of what to accept and what not? The yardstick can truly be the essence on which Bharatiyata stands. The present article is an English translation by *Shri…
उजाले से अँधियारे में : भाग (२/२)
गतांक से चालू। भाग १ यहाँ पढ़ें। (२) शाम ढल चुकी थी। कृष्णपक्ष की रात का अँधेरा उतर आया था। बिजली के खम्भों की रोशनी से वह दबने को तैयार नहीं था। ठण्ड कह रही थी, कि दिल्ली में मेरा राज है, काँग्रेस का नहीं। शायद नौ बजे होंगे। पूरे शाहजहाँ रोड पर मेरे सिवा…
उजाले से अँधियारे में : भाग (१/२)
नयी दिल्ली का अपना एक विशिष्ट व्यक्तित्व है। उस पर पंजाबी संस्कारिता की छाप है और उत्तर प्रदेश की सभ्यता का प्रभाव है। दिल्ली की अपनी परम्परागत मौलिक तहज़ीब तो उसके ताने-बाने में बुनी हुई है, परन्तु आजकल ये सारे प्रभाव तिरोहित होते जा रहे हैं और उन पर छा गया है पश्चिम की संस्कृति…
वाल्मीकि रामायण में संचार कौशल के अद्भूत प्रकरण
हम रामायण महाभारत आदि में कहानियाँ देख सकते हैं, भक्ति देख सकते हैं, जीवन मूल्य देख सकते हैं। ये महाकाव्य तो महासागर के समान हैं। इनमें से जो ढूंढना चाहो, जान सकते हो। अनिल मैखुरी जी वाल्मीकि रामायण में वर्णित दो प्रसंगों में से संचार कौशल से जुडी महीन बातें ढूंढकर हमें बताते हैं, कि…
Bharathiya Shilpa Vyavastha (Part 10)
6). Western Chalukya/ Kalyani Chalukya: This temple Architecture Style is also from Karnataka and was patronised by the Western Chalukyas from 973 CE to 1180 CE. The Western Chalukya temples were smaller than those of the early Chalukyas, a fact very clearly visible in the reduced height of the Vimana Gopurams, which are built over…
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